

あっというまに、昼食時間も終わりに近づき・・・ でもね、トラブルの時こそ、頭をまっさらにしないとね! で、見えた!First come first served! Do not run away.Do not run away. Do not run away! But,the end prays to "Kill -9 sync sync sync" and,"O…

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今日も、翌朝起きてから・・・ 寝すぎたか、頭が重い。 ちょっと辛い。

March 18 Thursday

22:46 B. F. Skinner http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B._F._Skinner 22:44 I think that 'B. F. Skinner' is the one person. 22:41 In obtaining, it is near criminality in the field of the brain science and the mental science. 22:40 I might be a ma…