April 15 Thursday

  • 20:14  It is dangerous, and prohibits the story of work. They will open it to the public. Minister Haraguchi,Do you understood?
  • 20:13  Twitter stole the serious one. It is time of the politician in Japan. And, it became the drone of borg(net). http://politter.com/
  • 13:02  I feel shine & marvel for the use of Sex worker's Internet. Similarly, I feel veneration for the use of impostor's Internet. Let's research!
  • 13:00  Check this video out --It is CM of a confectionary maker major in Japan. It is dangerous. http://youtu.be/75tAdZlnhLw
  • 12:54  It embarrasses it with the drone connected with the net queen. We are tha borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
  • 12:46  Hoo Poo is a researcher of the disreputable device that the human race makes happy(safety,amorous). The name of the device is a television.
  • 12:46  Is "Hoo Poo" an impostor? The possibility is high.
  • 12:44  The upgrade of the system works as for me while broadcasting this afternoon. I feel nervous though it is a device on a preliminary side.
  • 07:44  Gooood mooooorning! Kanazawa!
  • 04:47  I want you to come to me ..Sandman.. early.
  • 04:22  KISS is a key word. KISS : Keep it simple, stupid Everybody of woman who should love. You lie? Me lie! xxx

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